Pay off your debt faster with these easy tricks

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


Mar 11, 2023

Pay off your debt faster with these easy tricks

Debt is the biggest hurdle when it comes to financial freedom and financial stability. It drains up your income, makes it difficult to save and invest, and takes away other important things in life - but it doesn't have to be a part of your life forever.

With a few changes and some elbow grease, you can pay off your debt faster and move one step closer to financial freedom.

In this article, we take a look at some simple tricks to help you pay off your debt faster. So, if you are looking to get out of debt quickly, here are some tricks that you can start applying today:

1. Prioritize paying off high-interest debt first

Also known as the debt avalanche method - attacking your highest-interest debts first is the most effective way to get rid of debt. The reason is simple – by doing so, you minimize the amount of interest you have to pay, which saves you money in the long run.

To find your highest-interest debt, simply list out all your current debts from highest interest rate to lowest.

Once you have the list, start making payments on your highest-interest debt first and work your way down the list. This will keep your interest costs lower and help you pay off your debt faster.

Attacking your highest-interest debts first is the most effective way to get rid of debt... by doing so, you minimize the amount of interest you have to pay, which saves you money in the long run.

2. Pay more than the minimum

While paying off your debts, make sure you are paying more than just the minimum amount due each month. Any additional amount that you pay toward your debt will reduce the amount of interest you have to pay.

This is important because if you only make minimum payments, most of your payment will go toward paying the interest and not reducing the principal balance. So if you can afford it, try to make a bigger payment each month to get rid of your debt faster.

3. Try using the debt snowball method

Just like the debt Avalanche method, the debt snowball method is an effective way to pay off your debt quickly. However, instead of focusing on interest rates, it focuses on small wins.

The idea behind this method is to start with the smallest debt and work your way up. This will give you a sense of accomplishment as you’ll be able to pay off small debts quicker and then move on to bigger ones.

If you are looking for a motivation boost to pay off debt, the Debt Snowball method can be an effective way to get started.

4. Set up automatic payments

Sometimes life gets busy and it’s difficult to remember when your bills are due. Setting up automatic payments is a great way to ensure that your bills are paid on time each month.

Not only will this help you avoid late fees and penalties, but it also helps keep track of your progress. This will give you a better understanding of how much debt you have left to pay off and how long it will take.

This way you will have peace of mind knowing that your bills are being paid on time each month and you can focus on other important things in life.

5. Keep track of your bills and expenses

When it comes to paying off debt, it is important to keep track of your bills and expenses. This will help you identify where your money is going and understand where you can cut back on spending.

Once you start tracking your bills, payments, and expenses, you will be able to make better decisions about how much money to put toward debt each month. This will help you pay off your debt faster and get one step closer to financial freedom.

You can set reminders, use apps, or use a budgeting tool to keep track of your bills and expenses.

6. Change your spending habits

The biggest challenge when it comes to paying off debt is to change your spending habits. It’s important to start living within your means and stop using credit cards for unnecessary purchases.

Making small changes like cooking at home instead of eating out, carpooling or taking public transport, and cancelling unused subscriptions can help you save money each month which can then be used to pay off debt.

It’s not always easy, but changing your spending habits is a key step toward becoming debt-free and achieving financial freedom.

The biggest challenge when it comes to paying off debt is to change your spending habits.

7. Don't rely on a single source of income

If you have debt and have only one source of income, you may want to consider getting a second job or finding other ways to make money. This will help you increase your income, so you can pay off debt faster.

You don't have to push yourself too much because there are plenty of jobs that only require a few hours of work each week.

Additionally, you may also want to look into freelance opportunities such as virtual assistant jobs, writing jobs, social media management, and graphic design.

The opportunities are endless and they can help you make extra money while also taking some of the financial stress off your shoulders.

8. Seek help or advice

Paying off debt can be overwhelming, so don’t be afraid to seek help if you need it. Talk to a financial advisor or join a support group where you can get tips on how to better manage your money.

You can also look into credit counselling or debt management services that offer personalized advice and help you create a plan to repay your debt.

No matter what you decide, getting help is the first step in taking control of your finances and working towards becoming debt-free.

9. Set goals

Setting goals are often overlooked by many individuals as they think it’s not necessary. But goals can be one of the most powerful tools to help you pay off debt and stay motivated throughout the process.

Creating a plan with specific targets can help you track your progress, measure your success, and keep you accountable for paying off debt.

Setting achievable goals also helps to break up the process and make it more manageable. For example, you can set a goal of paying off £500 in debt each month or reducing your overall balance by 20% by a certain date.

Whatever goals you set, having something concrete to work towards will help ease the burden and keep you motivated throughout the process.

Setting goals can be one of the most powerful tools to help you pay off debt and stay motivated throughout the process.

10. Try debt consolidation

If you have too many debts with high-interest rates, debt consolidation can help. Debt consolidation is a process where you take out a loan to pay off all your existing debts and you’re left with one lower monthly payment.

It can be helpful if you have difficulty managing multiple payments each month or if the interest rates are too high on some of your debts.

However, it’s important to be careful when considering a debt consolidation - make sure that you are choosing the right lender and that the loan repayment term is suitable for your needs.

Debt consolidation can help you get out of debt faster but make sure to do your research before taking on any new loan.


So there you have it! Repaying debt can be overwhelming but with proper planning and discipline, it is possible to become debt-free. Make sure to take your time and take small steps each day. By following these tips, you can take control of your finances and start working towards becoming debt-free! Good luck!

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


Mar 11, 2023

Ade Omosanya is a father of one, a UK Chartered Certified Accountant and owner of AO Accountants Ltd. He has a keen eye for all things finances and shares his thoughts and tips via the My Future Pound blog.

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